


  • Yasuyuki Maki, Poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)-clay nanocomposite hydrogels with patterned mechanical properties, Colloid Polym. Sci. 297, 587-594 (2019).
  • S. Yashima, S. Hirayama, T. Kurokawa, T. Salez, H. Takefuji, W. Hong, J. P. Gong, Shearing-induced contact pattern formation in hydrogels sliding in polymer solution, Soft Matter, 9, 1953-1959 (2019).


  • Kell Mortensen and Masahiko Annaka: Stretching PEO-PPO Type of Star Block Copolymer Gels: Rheology and Small-Angle Scattering, ACS Macro Lett., 2016, 7, 1438 - 1442 (2018).
  • Yasuyuki Maki, Kazuya Furusawa, Takao Yamamoto, Toshiaki Dobashi, Structure formation in biopolymer gels induced by diffusion of gelling factors, J. Biorheol. 32, 27-38 (2018).
  • Yasuyuki Maki, Wataru Saito, Toshiaki Dobashi, Preparation and thermoresponsive behaviors of UV-crosslinked gelatin nanogels, J. Biorheol. 32, 15-19 (2018).
  • Yasuyuki Maki, Kentaro Sugawara and Daisuke Nagai, Temperature Dependence of Electrophoretic Mobility and Hydrodynamic Radius of Microgels of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Gels 4, 37 (2018).
  • Sato Ryosuke, Gaku Yamaguchi, Daisuke Nagai, Yasuyuki Maki, Kazuto Yoshiba, Takao Yamamoto, Benjamin Chu and Toshiaki Dobashi, Adsorption dynamics of tannin on deacetylated electrospun Konjac glucomannan fabric, Soft Matter 14, 2712-2723 (2018).


  • Yasuyuki Maki, Toshiaki Dobashi, Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Patterned Thermo-Responsive Behavior, Trans. MRS-J 42, 119-122 (2017).
  • Yasuyuki Maki, Hideki Okamura, Toshiaki Dobashi, Optical anisotropy and molecular orientation of neutralized Curdlan gels, Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan 45, 65-69 (2017).
  • Yasuyuki Maki, Kazuya Furusawa, Toshiaki Dobashi, Yasunobu Sugimoto, Katsuzo Wakabayashi, Small-angle X-ray and light scattering analysis of multi-layered Curdlan gels prepared by a diffusion method. Carbohydr. Polym. 155, 136-145 (2017).


  • Masahiko Annaka and Toyoaki Matsuura: Physical Properties of Pig Vitreous Body, in Rheology of Bio-related Soft Matter: Fundamentals and Applications, Isamu Kaneda Ed. Splinger (2016).
  • Midori Fujiki, Masaya Ito, Kell Mortensen, Shintaro Yashima, Masayuki Tokita, and Masahiko Annaka: Friction Coefficient of Well-Defined Hydrogel Networks, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 634 - 642 (2016).
  • Kell Mortensen and Masahiko Annaka: Structural Study of Four-Armed Amphiphilic Star-Block Copolymers: Pristine and End-Linked Tetronic T1307, ACS Macro Lett., 2016, 5, 224 - 228 (2016).
  • M. Fujiki, M, Ito, K. Mortensen, S. Yashima, M. Tokita, M. Annaka, Friction Coefficient of Well-Defined Hydrogel Networks, Macromolecules, 49 (2), pp 634–642 (2016).


  • Kell Mortensen and Masahiko Annaka: X-ray contrasts. A combined X-ray and neutron scattering study, Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, 3353 - 3360 (2015).
  • S. Yashima, V. Romero E. Wandersman, C. Frétigny, M.K. Chaudhury, A. Chateauminois, A.M.Prevost, Normal contact and friction of rubber with model randomly rough surfaces, Soft Matter, 11, 871-881. (2015).


  • Miho Yanagisawa, Yutaro Yamashita, Sada-atsu Mukai, Masahiko Annaka, Masayuki Tokita: Phase separation in binary polymer solution: Gelatin/Poly (ethylene glycol) system, Journal of Molecular Liquid, 200, 2 - 6 (2014).
  • T. Yamamoto, T. Kurokawa, J. Ahmed, G. Kamita, S. Yashima, Y. Furukawa, Y. Ota, H. Furukawa, J. P. Gong, In situ observation of a hydrogel–glass interface during sliding friction, Soft Matter, 10, 5589-5596 (2014).
  • S. Yashima, N. Takase, T. Kurokawa, J. P. Gong. Friction of Hydrogels with Controlled Surface Roughness on Solid Flat Substrates, Soft Matter, 10, 3192–3199 (2014).
  • N. Ahmed, T. Murosaki, T. Kurokawa, A. Kakugo, S. Yashima, Y. Nogata, J. P. Gong, Prolonged morphometric study of barnacles grown on soft substrata of hydrogels and elastomers, Biofouling, 30, 271–279 (2014).


  • Atsuomi Shundo, Koichiro Hori, David P. Penaloza Jr. Kazuki Yoshihiro, Masahiko Annaka and Keiji Tanaka: Nonsolvents-induced swelling of poly(methylmethacrylate) nanoparticles, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 16574 - 16578 (2013).
  • Saya Tanaka, Masahiko Annaka, Ken Sakai: Visible light-induced water oxidation catalyzed by molybdenum-based polyoxometalates with mono- and dicobalt(III) cores as oxygen-evolving centers, Chemical Communications, 48, 1653 - 1655 (2012).
  • Masahiko Annaka: Salt effect on microscopic structure and stability of colloidal complex obtained from neutral/polyelectrolyte block copolymer and oppositely charged surfactant, Colloid and Surface B, 99, 127-135 (2012).
  • Masahiko Annaka, Kell Mortrensen, Toyoaki Matsuura, Masaya Ito, Katsunori Nochioka, Nahoko Ogata: Organic–inorganic nanocomposite gels as an in situ gelation biomaterial for injectable accommodative intraocular lens, Soft Matter, 8, 7185-7196 (2012).
  • Masahiko Annaka, Toyoaki Matsuura, Shinji Maruoka, Nahoko Ogata: Dehydration and vitrification of corneal gel, Soft Matter, 8, 8157-8163 (2012).
  • Masahiko Annaka, Kell Mortensen, Martin E. Vigild, Toyoaki Matsuura, Souichiro Tsuji, Tetsuo Ueda, Hiroki Tsujinaka: Design of an Injectable in Situ Gelation Biomaterials for Vitreous Substitute, Biomacromolecules, 12, 4011-4021 (2012).
  • T. Matsuura, M. Annaka, M. Kojima, K. Shimoyama, Y. Hara: Volume Phase Transition of Bovine Vitrous Body in Vitro and Determination of Its Dynamics, Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica, 3(11), 1113-1119 (2012).
  • T. Matsuura, M. Annaka, M. Okamoto, H. Tsujinaka, Y. Hara: Dynamic Light Scattering Study of Salt Effect on Phase Behavior of Pig Vitreous Body and Its Microscopic Implication, Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica, 3(11), 1107-1112 (2012).
  • M. Annaka, T. Matsuura, K. Shimoyama, K. Nochioka, Y. Hara: Dynamic Light Scattering Stdudy on Pig Vitreous Body, Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica, 3(11), 1101-1106 (2012).
  • M. Annaka, T. Matsuura, H. Tsujinaka, H. Ikeda, Y. Hara: Study on the Microscopic Structure and the Dynamics of Water for Pig Cornea in the Process of Desiccation, Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica, 3(11), 1173-1179 (2011).
  • M. Annaka, T. Matsuura, T. Ohta, K. Nochioka, Y. Hara: Anosotropic Swelling Behavior of the Cornea, Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica, 3(11), 1180-1186 (2011).
  • Saya Tanaka, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Kosei Yamauchi, Masahiko Annaka and Ken Sakai, Photochemical and thermal hydrogen production from water catalyzed by carboxylate-bridged dirhodium(II), Dalton Trans., 39, 11218-11226 (2010).
  • N. Idota, K. Nagase, K. Tanaka, T. Okano, and M. Annaka: Stereoregulation of Thermoresponsive Polymer Brushes by Surface-Initiated Living Radical Polymerization and the Effect of Tacticity on Surface Wettability, Langmuir, 26, 17781–17784 (2010).
  • Kenichi Nagase, Mio Kumazaki, Hideko Kanazawa, Jun Kobayashi, Akihiko Kikuchi, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Masahiko Annaka, Teruo Okano, “Thermo-responsive Polymer Brush Surfaces with Hydrophobic Groups for All-Aqueous Chromatography”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2, 1247-1253 (2010).
  • Aya Mizutania, Kenichi Nagase, Akihiko Kikuchi, Hideko Kanazawa, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Jun Kobayashi, Masahiko Annaka, Teruo Okano: Effective separation of peptides using highly brush-grafted porous polystyrene beads: J. Chromatogr. B, 878, 2191-2198 (2010).
  • K. Nagase, J. Kobayashi, A. Kikuchi, Y. Akiyama, H. Kanazawa, M. Annaka, and T. Okano: Preparation of Thermoresponsive Anionic Copolymer Brush Surfaces for Separating Basic Biomolecules, Biomacromolecules, 11, 215-223 (2010)
  • R. Motokawa, S. Koizumi, T. Hashimoto, M. Annaka and T. Nakahira: Soap-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Elucidation of Specific Reaction Fields for Quasi-Living Polymerization by Time-Resolved SANS, Macromolecules, 43, 752-764 (2010).
  • A. Mizutani, K. Nagase , A. Kikuchi , H. Kanazawa, Y. Akiyama, J. Kobayashi, M. Annaka, T. Okano: Thermo-responsive polymer brush-grafted porous polystyrene beads for all-aqueous chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1217, 522-529 (2010).
  • T. Matsuura, H. Ikeda, N. Idota, M. Sugiyama, Y. Hara and M. Annaka, Anisotropic Swelling Behavior and Vitrification of Cornea, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 16314-16322 (2009).
  • T. Fujimoto, E. Yoshimoto and M. Annaka: Study on Self-Assembly of Telechelic Hydrophobically Modified Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) in Water, Prog. Colloid and Polym. Sci., 136, 77-86 (2009).
  • Toyoaki Matsuura, Naokazu Idota, Yoshiaki Hara and Masahiko Annaka, Dynamic Light Scattering Study of Pig Vitreous Body, Prog. Colloid and Polym. Sci.,136, 195-204 (2009).
  • Kenichi Nagase, Jun Kobayashi, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Masahiko Annaka, Hideko Kanazawa and Teruo Okano: Influence of graft interface polarity on hydration/dehydration of grafted thermoresponsive polymer brushes and steroid separation using allaqueous chromatography, Langmuir, 24, 10981-10987 (2008).
  • Yasuhiro Matuda, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Masahiko Annaka, Kazuhiko Ishihara and Atsushi Takahara, Dimensions of a Free Linear Polymer and Polymer Immobilized on Silica Nanoparticles of a Zwitterionic Polymer in Aqueous Solutions with Various Ionic Strength, Langmir, 24, 8772-8778 (2008).
  • Yasuhiro Matuda, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Masahiko Annaka, Kazuhiko Ishihara and Atsushi Takahara, UCST-type Cononsolvency Behavior of Poly(2-methacryloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) in the Mxture of Water and Ethanol, Polymer Journal, 40, 479-483 (2008).
  • Yasuhiro Matuda, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara, Akihiro Tanaka, Hisato Hayashi, Masahiko Annaka and Takahiro Sato, On the Dimension of a Hyperbranched Polymer Synthesized from a Styrene Derivative, Polymer Journal, 40, 375-378 (2008).
  • Tsuyoshi Matsuda and Masahiko Annaka, Salt Effect on Complex Formation of Neutral/Polyelectrolyte Block Copolymer and Oppositely Charged Surfactant, Langmuir, 24, 5707-5713 (2008).
  • C. Yahiro, M. Annaka, A. Kikuchi and T. Okano, Collapse and Swelling of Thermosensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Brushes Monitored by a Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Transaction of Materials Research Society of Japan, 32, 807-810 (2007).
  • M. Sigiyama, N. Fujii, Y. Moromoto, T. Otomo, S. Tanaka, M. Misawa, M. Annaka, K. Itoh, K. Mori, T. Sato, S. Kurabayashi and T. Fukunaga: Shape of a-Crystallin Analyzed by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, s200-s204 (2007).
  • M. Annaka, K. Morishita and S. Okabe, Electrostatic Self-Assembly of Neutral/Polyelectrolyte Block Copolymer and Oppositely Charged Surfactant, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 11700-11707 (2007).
  • M. Annaka, C. Yahiro, K. Nagase, A. Kikuchi and T. Okano, Real-time observation of coil-to-globule transition in thermosensitive poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) brushes by quartz crystal microbalance, Polymer, 48, 5713-5720 (2007).
  • M. Annaka, M. Okamoto, T. Matsuura, Y. Hara, S. Sasaki, Dynamic Light Scattering Study of Salt Effect on Phase Behavior of Pig Vitreous Body and Its Microscopic Implication, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 8411-8418 (2007).
  • Y. Matsuda, M. Kobayashi, M. Annaka, K. Ishihara and A. Takahara: Dimension of Poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phophorylcholine) in Aqueous Solutions with Various Ionic Strength, Chemistry Letters, 356, 1310-1311 (2006).
  • R. Motokawa, S. Koizumi, T. Hashimoto, T. Nakahira and M. Annaka: Time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering study on soap-free emulsion polymerization: Physica B, 385-386, 745-748 (2006).
  • R. Motokawa, K. Morishita, S. Koizumi and M. Annaka: Self-Assembly of Thermosensitive Diblock Copolymer of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(ethylene glycol) in Water, Physica B, 385-386, 780-782 (2006).
  • S. Maruoka, T. Matsuura, Y. Hara, M. Kodama and M. Annka: Biocompatibility of polyvinylalchol gel as a vitreous substitute: Experimental Eye Research, 31, 599-606 (2006).
  • H. Kawasaki, M. Uota, T. Yoshimura, D. Fujikawa, G. Sakai, M. Annaka and T. Kijima: Single-Crystalline Platinum Nanosheets from Nonionic Surfactant 2D Self-Assemblies at Solid/Aqueous Solution Interfaces, Langmuir, 21, 11468-11473 (2005).
  • R. Motokawa, S. Koizumi, M. Annaka, T. Nakahira and T. Hashimoto: Ultra-small and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Self-assembly in Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) -block-Poly(ethylene glycol) Aqueous Solution, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 130, 85-96 (2005).
  • R. Motokawa, K. Morishita, S. Koizumi, T. Nakahira and M. Annaka: Thermosensitive Diblock Copolymer of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(ethylene glycol) in Water: Polymer Preparation and Its Solution Behavior, Macromolecules, 38 5748-5760 (2005).
  • T. Kawashima, S. Koga, M. Annaka and S. Sasaki: Roles of Hydrophobic Interaction in a Volume Phase Transition of Alkylacrylamide Gel Induced by the Hydrogen-Bond-Driving Alkyiphenol Binding, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 109, 1055-1062 (2005).
  • K. Hara, M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka and Y. Soejima: Nanostructural characterization of the dehydrated (NIPA/SA + additive ion) gels, Colloid and Surface B, 38, 197-200 (2004).
  • M. Miyahara, H. Kawasaki, V. M. Garamus, N. Nemoto, R. Kakehashi, S. Tanaka, M. Annaka, and H Maeda: Micelle-vesicle transition of oleyldimethylamine oxide in water, Colloid and Surface B, 38, 131-138 (2004).
  • S. Tanaka, H. Kawasaki, M. Suzuki, M. Annaka, N. Nemoto, M. Almgren and H. Maeda: Vesicle Formation in Oleyldimethylamine Oxide/ Sodium Oleate Mixture, Colloid and Polymer Science, 282, 1140-1145 (2004).
  • R. Motokawa, T. Nakahira, M. Annaka, T. Hashimoto and S. Koizumi: Time-Resolved Gel Permeation Chromatographic Study on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-Poly(ethylene glycol) Prepared by Soap-Free Emulsion Polymerization, Polymer, 45, 9019-9022 (2004).
  • T. Matsuura, Y. Hara, F. Taketani, E. Yukawa, S Maruoka, S. Sasaki and M. Annaka: Dynamic Light Scattering Study on Calf Vitreous Body, Macromoleculs, 37, 7784-7790 (2004).
  • T. Matsuura, Y. Hara, F. Taketani, E. Yukawa, S Maruoka, K. Kawasaki and M. Annaka: Volume phase transition of bovine vitreous body in vitro and determination of its dynamics, Biomacromoleculs, 5, 1296-1302 (2004).
  • M. Annaka, T. Matsuura, E. Yoshimoto, H. Taguchi, M. Sugiyama, Y. Hara and T. Okano: Study on the Rapid Deswelling Mechanism of comb-type N-isopropylacrylamide gels, Colloid and Surface B, 38, 201-207 (2004).
  • R. Motokawa, M. Annaka, T. Nakahira, and S. Koizumi: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study on Microstructure of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-Poly(ethylene glycol) in Water, Colloid and Surface B, 38, 213-219 (2004).
  • M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, M. Hino, T. Fukunaga, M. Vigild and K. Hara: Screening effect on nanostructure of charged gel: Physica B, 350, e967-e970 (2004).
  • M. Annaka, M. Sugiyama, T. Matsuura, M. Hino, T. Fukunaga, Y. Hara, T. Okano: SANS study on rapid shrinking of comb-type poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gels: Physica B350, e395-e397 (2004).
  • M. Sugiyama, K. Hara, M. Annaka, T. Tatsuura, and Y. Hara: Fluorescence Study on the Rapid Deswelling of Comb-type Poly(N-isopripylacrylamide) Hydrogel, Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 28, 1021-1024 (2003).
  • K. Hara, M. Sugiyama, and M. Annaka: Metal-Ion-Adsorption of Environmentally Servieable NIPA/SA –Nano-Structural Study on the Dehydrated Substance- Transaction of Materials Research Society of Japan, 28, 1017-1020 (2003).
  • S. Sasaki, S. Koga and M. Annaka: Salt Effects on Elastic Properties of Shrunken N-isopropylacrylamide Gel, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, 6893-6897 (2003).
  • S. Sasaki, S. Koga, M. Sugiyama and M. Annaka: Nanostructures of polyelectrolyte gel-surfactant complexes in uniaxially stretching networks: Physical Review E. 65, 021504(1)-021504 (7) (2003).
  • T. Matsuura, M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, Y. Hara and T. Okano: Microscopic implication of rapid shrinking of comb-type grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels, Polymer, 44, 4405-4409 (2003).
  • M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, K. Hara, M. E. Vigild and G. E. Wignall: Small-Angle Scattering Study of Mesoscopic Structure in Charged Gel and Their Evolution on Dehydration, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, 6300-6308 (2003).
  • Y. Soejima, S. Kuwajima, M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, A. Nakamura, N. Hiramatsu and K. Hara: Structure Investigation of Metal Ion Clustering in Dehydrated Gel using X-ray Anormalous Dispersion Effect: Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 72, 2110-2113 (2003).
  • O. Shoji, D. Nakajima, M. Ohkawa, Y Fujiwara, M. Annaka, M. Yoshikuni, and T. Nakahira: Temperature Dependence of Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence Decay of Pyrene Appended to the Side Chains of Poly-L-glutamine: Macromolecules, 36, 4557-4566 (2003).
  • M. Annaka, T. Matsuura, M. Kasai, T. Nakahira, Y. Hara, and T. Okano: Preparation of comb-type grafted N-isopropylacrylamide hydrogel beads and their application for size-selective separation media, Biomacromolecules, 4,395-403 (2003).
  • M. Annaka, M. Sugiyama, M. Kasai, T. Nakahira, T. Matsuura, H. Seki,T. Aoyagi, and T. Okano: Transport Properties of Comb-type Grafted and Normal-type N-isopropylacrylamide Hydrogel: Langmuir, 18, 7377-7383 (2002).
  • M. Annaka, C. Tanaka, T. Nakahira, M. Sugiyama, T. Aoyagi and T. Okano: Fluorescence Study on the Swelling Behavior of Comb-type Grafted Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels: Macromolecules, 31, 8173-8179 (2002).
  • Y. Amo, M. Annaka and Y. Tominaga: Intensity Calibration for Low-frequency Raman Scattering of Alkali Halide Aqueous Solution: J. Raman Spec. 33, 829-832 (2002).
  • S. Koizumi, M. Monkenbush, D. Richter, D. Schwahn, B. Farago and M. Annaka: Frozen Concentration Fluctuations in a Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Gel Studied by Neutron Spin Echo and Neutron Small-angle Scattering: Applied Physics A, 74, S399-S401 (2002).
  • M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, Y. Maeda and K. Hara: Structural Evolution in NIPA/SA Gel on Dehydration: Applied Physics A, 74, S421-S423 (2002).
  • M. Annaka, R. Motokawa, T. Nakahira, M. Sugiyama, K. Hara and T. Matsuura: Multiple-phase Behavior and Memory Effect of Polymer Gel: Applied Physics A, 74, S484-S486 (2002).
  • Y. Amo, M. Annaka and Y. Tominaga: Classification of Alkali Halide Aqueous Solutions by Kubo Number: J. Mol. Liq.: 100, 143-151 (2002)..
  • M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka, R. Motokawa, S. Kuwajima and K. Hara: Comparative SANS and SAXS studies on a mesoscopically heterogeneous structure in the dehydrated NIPA/SA gel: Physica B, 311, 90-94 (2002).
  • O. Shoji, S. Higashi, S. Hishinuma, M. Sato, M. Annaka, M. Yoshikuni and T. Nakahira: Side-Chain Chromophore Orientation and Excitation Energy Transport in Films Prepared from Poly[N5-(R)- and N5-(S)- 1-(1-phyenyl)ethyl-L-glutamines: Macromolecules, 35, 2116-2121 (2002).
  • M. Sugiyama, M. Annaka and K. Hara: Heat-Induced Evolution in the Mesoscopic Structure of Dehydrated Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gel, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 71, 1035-1038 (2002).
  • M. Annaka, Y. Amo, S. Sasaki, Y. Tominaga, K. Motokawa and T. Nakahira: Salt Effect on Volume Phase Transition of Gels: Physical Review E. 65, 031805(1)-031805(8) (2002).
  • O. Shoji, D. Nakajima, M. Annaka, M. Yoshikuni and T. Nakahira: Highly Controlled Side-chain Chromophore Orientation in Poly[N5-1-(1-phyenyl)ethyl-L-glutamines : Polymer, 43, 1711-1714 (2002).
  • M. Annaka, A. Noda, R. Motokawa and T. Nakahira: Fluorescence Study on Multiple Phase Behavior of Dimethylacrylamide-Methacrylic acid Copolymre Gel: Polymer, 42, 9887-9894 (2001).
  • M. Sugiyama, A. Nakamura, N. Hiramatsu, M. Annaka and K. Hara: Effect of Salt and Heating on a Mesoscopic Structure Composed of Ovalbumin Globules in Aqueous Solution, Biomacromolecules, 2, 1071-1073 (2001).
  • M. Annaka, R. Takahashi, T. Nakahira, M. Tokita and T. Matsuura: Rb+  and Na+ Spin Relaxation in Aqueous Gellan Solutions and Implication of Selective Site Binding of Alkali Metal Ions: Biomacromolecules, 2, 635-640 (2001).
  • O. Shoji, M. Okumura, H. Kuwata, T. Sumida, R. Kato, M. Annaka, M. Yoshikuni and T. Nakahira: Secondary Structure and Side-Chain Chromophore Orientation in Poly(l-glutamines) Having Pyrene Chromophores in the Side Chains: Macromolecules: 34, 4270-4276 (2001).
  • S. Koizumi, M. Monkenbush, D. Richter, D. Schwahn, and M. Annaka: Frozen Concentration Fluctuations of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) Gel Decomposed by Neutron Spin Echo: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.: 70A. 320-322 (2001).
  • M. Annaka, M. Sugiyama, K. Hara, M. Shibayama and T. Nakahira: Multiple Phase Behaviors of Polymer Gels: Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 26, 631-634 (2001).
  • M. Sugiyama, K. Hara, M. Annaka, A. Nakamura, N. Hiramatsu and Y. Maeda: Structural Investigation on Ovalbumin Solution, Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 26, 565-568 (2001).
  • M. Annaka, F. Ikkai, M. Shibayama, T. Nakahira, M. Sugiyama, K. Hara and T. Tanaka: Multiple Phase Behavior and Its Microscopic Implication of 4-Acrylamidosalicylic Acid Gel: Journal of Chemical Physics, 114, 6906-6912 (2001).
  • M. Annaka, K. Motokawa and T. Nakahira: Studies on the States of Water and Sodium Ion in Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Gel: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 39, 6643-6646 (2000).
  • T. Enoki, K. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, T. Oya, T. Sakiyama, Y. Takeoka, K. Ito, G. Wang, M. Annaka, K. Hara, R. Du, J. Chuang, K. Wasserman, A. Grosberg, S. Masamune and T. Tanaka: Frustrations in Polymer Conformation in Gels and their Minimization through Molecular Imprinting: Physical Revew Letters: 85, 5000-5004 (2000).
  • T. Tokunaga, M. Annaka, H. Seki, J. Honda, T. Nakahira and M Tokita: NMR Study on the Sol-gel Transition of Gellan Gum: Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 25, 751-754 (2000).
  • M. Tokita, S. Yamazaki, M. Itakura, K. Miyamoto, T Komai and M. Annaka: Swelling Behaviors of Polyamphoteric Gels: Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 25, 779-782 (2000).
  • S. Kuwajima, M. Sugiyama, K. Hara, M. Annaka and T. Kikukawa: Characteristics of the Hydrophilic Clusters in the Dehydrated Ionized NIPA Gel: Transaction of Materials Research Sosiety of Japan, 25, 747-750 (2000).
  • M. Annaka, K. Motokawa, S. Sasaki, T. Nakahira, H. Kawasaki, H. Maeda, Y. Amo, Y. Tomonaga: Salt-induced Volume Phase Transition of N-isopropylacrylamide Gel: Journal of Chemical Physics, 113, 5980-5985 (2000).
  • M. Annaka, K. Suzuki, R. Takahashi, T. Nakahira, M. Tokita, H. Seki and H. Utsumi: Multinuclear MNR Study in the Sol-gel Transition of Aqueous k- and l-carrageenan Solution. Selective Site Binding of Group I Cations: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 39, 4094-4099 (2000).
  • M. Annaka, Y. Ogata and T. Nakahira: Swelling Behavior of Covalently Cross-linked Gellan Gels: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104, 6755-6760 (2000).
  • Y. Hara, M. Annaka, T. Tanaka, T. Nakahira, T. Matsuura, and M. Saishin: Multiple Phase Behavior of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks of Copolymer Gels: Transaction of Material Research Sosiety of Japan, 25, 5-9 (2000).
  • Y. Hara, M. Annaka, T. Tanaka, T. Nakahira, T. Matsuura, and M. Saishin : Multiple Phase Behavior of Cross-linked Biopolymer Gels: Transaction of Material Research Sosiety of Japan, 25, 1-4 (2000).
  • S. Koizumi, M. Annaka, S. Borbely and D. Schwahn : Fractal Structure of a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gel studied by small-angle neutron scattering over a Q-range from 10-5 to 0.1 Å-1: Physica B, 276-278, 367-368 (2000).
  • H. Seki, H. Ikeda, T. Tokunaga, H. Utsumi, M. Annaka and K. Yanaguchi : A New Broad Band Probe Covering From 31P- to 35Cl-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Analytical Sciences, 16, 333-334 (2000).
  • M. Annaka, M. Tokita, T. Tanaka, S. Tanaka and T. Nakahira: The Gels that Memorize Phases: Journal of Chemical Physics, 112, 471-477 (2000).
  • F. Lin, C. T. Boon, T. Fukda, T. Karato, M. Annaka, M. Yushikuni and T. Nakahira: Secondary Structure and Side-Chain Chromophore Orientation of Isotactic Poly(methacrylamide)s in Solid Film, Polymer Journal, 31, 364-368 (1999).
  • M. Annaka, H. Takagi and T. Nakahira: Anomaly in Rotational Diffusion of Photophysical Probe on Copoly(acrylamide-acrylic acid) Gel. Steady State and Transient Fluorescent Study: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, L1439- L1442 (1999)
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Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Soft Matters

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,
Kyushu University

744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-city

819-0395, Japan

Copyright © Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Soft Matters