
Graduate School of Science

Entrance Examination for the Master’s Program

Primarily, there are two types of selection for applicants to the master’s program: the General Selection (held in late August) and the Self-Recommendation Selection (held in late July).

General Selection

The pass/fail decision is based on a written examination in English (TOEIC score) and chemistry (choose three subjects from Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Structural Chemistry, and Biochemistry), as well as an oral examination. Therefore, a TOEIC score certificate is required at the time of the examination.

Self-Recommendation Selection

For applicants who wish to apply for the General Selection, a “Self-Recommendation Selection” is conducted, in which the written examination is waived and the pass/fail decision is based on an oral examination. External applicants can also apply for the Self-Recommendation Selection. Applicants for this selection are determined based on their application documents. Those who are not exempted from the written examination as a result of this selection can still take the General Selection without any additional procedures. However, a TOEIC score certificate is also required for the Self-Recommendation Selection.

Graduate School Open Campus

In late March and late April 2024, there will be open campus events for prospective external graduate students, including master’s program explanations and laboratory visits. We invite you to visit our magnificent campus. Please feel free to consider this opportunity.

※The graduate school open campus for this year has ended.

Application Guidelines

Please refer to the Kyushu University Graduate School of Science’s entrance examination page.

Master’s Program

  • General Selection (held in late August)
  • Self-Recommendation Selection (held in late July)
  • Special Selection for Working Adults (held in late July)
  • Special Selection for International Students (held in late January)
  • Special Selection for Third-Year Undergraduate Students (held in late February or early March)

【Important】For the master’s program entrance examination, both the Self-Recommendation and General Selection evaluate English using the TOEIC test. Please take either the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test or the TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests in advance. However, TOEIC score certificates are valid only if they are within two years from the date of the master’s program entrance examination.
(For details, please refer to the application guidelines.)

Past Entrance Exam Questions for the Master’s Program General Selection

PDF versions of past entrance exam questions from 1998 are available.

PhD Program

  • General Selection (held in late January)
  • Special Selection for Working Adults, April Admission (held in late January)
  • Special Selection for Working Adults, October Admission (held in late July)
  • Special Selection for International Students (held in late January)