Dep. of Chem.


Materials are often made up of molecules of sizes less than 1 nanometer (10-9 m). Molecular materials involve so-called nano-scaled substances consisting of several atoms. They also involve relatively large biological components, such as DNA and proteins. The research focus in chemistry is, therefore, on nano-scaled worlds including biological systems, together with the earth and the entire universe. Quantum mechanics, as it appeared in the 20th century, clarified that nano-scaled materials are controlled by scientific rules that are somewhat different from those we recognize in our everyday experiences. On the other hand, since the familiar double-stranded helix structure of DNA was first proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953, great advances have been made in the fields of bioscience. By the end of the 20th century, the human genome was almost completely sequenced. Recently, various biological phenomena have been interpreted in terms of molecular biology. The great advances in various analytical techniques have enabled the direct observation of nano-scaled worlds. These techniques are unveiling various molecular level events, together with the functionality of each molecule. Due to the rapid growth and advances in synthetic chemistry, a large variety of molecules that have various functionalities have now been developed. The structures of proteins that take advantage of biological reactions have been continuously resolved. As the mechanisms of the actions become clearer, rational design and syntheses of new drugs become feasible. As a result, various diseases are being overcome; therefore, there are increasing hopes that some incurable diseases might be defeated in the near future. Sanitation conditions have been greatly improved, enabling a higher standard of life for humans. Such a situation would never have been possible without the great advances in chemistry.

It is, however, difficult for chemists to have a perfect understanding of the molecules that can possess a wide range of properties and functionalities. For instance, due to the lack of basic knowledge in molecular sciences, it is still difficult for chemists to comprehend how a particular molecule recognizes another molecule, or how physical properties are altered when a molecule forms an association complex in solution. Furthermore, syntheses in chemistry have not overcome all problems; for instance, synthetic yields remain low in many cases. If we turn our attention to the issue of energy, the conversion efficiency of energy by artificial systems is only one tenth of that of solar energy converted by green plants. On the other hand, the emission of undesirable pollutants and the waste products produced by the chemical industry are major problems; both due to a lack of knowledge of the chemical properties of many substances, and to the use of inappropriate or imperfect synthetic methods. Such phenomena have recently come to threaten the limited resources and the natural environments found on Earth. The Earth is not only for our generation’s enjoyment, but must also be passed over to future generations. Chemists need to find effective ways to save natural resources and to resolve problems arising from the chemical industry.

To preserve the rich environments on Earth, it is important to gain a better understanding of the chemical properties of substances and to utilize their functionalities. In this context, it is important to have a deeper knowledge about atoms, molecules, and the assemblies of molecules, and also to better understand the detailed mechanisms of how molecules and assemblies are yielded from their starting materials. It is also necessary to arrive at methods of achieving high safety standards and high convergence yields in syntheses, for it also establishes the basis of the continuation of civilization. To satisfy such social demands, research projects in our department aim at gaining deeper insights into the chemical properties of atoms, molecules, and assemblies, and at exploring new paths in chemistry leading to actual applications.

Unstable chemicals, reactive species, and properties of molecular recognition of chemicals have been investigated from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. The aim is to gain mechanistic insights into the chemical and physical properties of materials, to reduce the causes of environmental pollution, and to store knowledge for the fabrication of new drugs. In the field of coordination chemistry, the detailed properties of solutions have been investigated, and new compounds have been synthesized to develop new electronic systems, as well as new functional electronic materials. Moreover, efforts have also been made to develop solar energy conversion systems that generate molecular hydrogen from water under illumination from sunlight. Some of our colleagues have also been successful, presenting internationally outstanding research results. These have involved the introduction of innovative synthetic methods comparable to those in biological systems, the development of photofunctional materials, and so on. Unique attempts have also been made to clarify the circulation of materials on Earth from a viewpoint of geochemistry. Above all, our department is striving to contribute to the continuation of civilization through scientific research.


The world is made of matter. Chemistry is the science of matter based on theories and experiments for molecule and molecular assemblies. These theories and experiments give us new knowledge of molecular structures, transformation of materials, molecular recognition, and function of individual molecules and their assembly. Thus, chemistry helps to reveal the true make-up of matter, and allows us an improved understanding of the world. The essence of our mission is the quest for truth, and the conveyance of this philosophy to our students. The science and technologies of matter based on the molecular level is becoming ever more important. Developing leading scientists and engineers who have this philosophy, alongside the professional ethics and motivation to help shape human society in this century, is the aim of our education.


The Faculty of Science was established at Kyushu Imperial University, and the Department of Chemistry was inaugurated along with the Departments of Physics and Geology, starting with three courses (laboratories): Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Structural Chemistry.
The Physical Chemistry course was added.
The Analytical Chemistry course was added.
The Biochemistry course was added.
Kyushu University was reestablished following the revision of the Imperial University Ordinance.
Seven courses were added: Organic Reaction Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Enzyme Chemistry, and Physical Properties Chemistry.
The Physical Properties Chemistry course served as the foundation for the establishment of the Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry (now the Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering), which was separated from the Department of Chemistry.
Following the abolition of the College of General Education at Kyushu University, the courses of Molecular Dynamics Chemistry and Molecular Design Chemistry were added.
With the graduate school reorganization, the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, the Department of Molecular Science, and the Department of Condensed Matter Science (Chemistry Course) in the Graduate School of Science, and the Chemistry Division in the Faculty of Science were established.
After becoming a national university corporation, the Department of Chemistry in the Graduate School of Science was reorganized, and three major courses (Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic and Biochemistry) and an Interdisciplinary Chemistry course were newly established.
Selected for the “Attractive Graduate Education” initiative and the Graduate Education Reform Support Program, establishing the Front Researcher Development Program and the Advanced Scientist Development Program.
Selected for the Global COE Program, establishing the Future Molecular System Science Course in the doctoral program.
Selected for the Doctoral Program for Leading Graduate Schools, establishing the integrated five-year Molecular System Device Course.