
NameAyami Matsushima
Research map
Former High SchoolChikushigaoka high school(Fukuoka)
Academic History (final)Kyushu University
Research ThemeStudy on ligands-receptor interactions
Aims(Research) Enrich everybody's life with science.
(Education) To learn and grow together with students
My wish list- Elucidate the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation
- Create drugs that make you smarter (anti-dementia drugs, etc.)
- Discover analgesics with novel mechanisms



Name Kota Aramaki
Former High SchoolTakada High School(Mie)
Research ThemeAnalysis of the mecanism of ER antagonist derived from trycyclic bisphenol
My wish listgood sleep
NameTowa Onohara
Former High SchoolTakeo High School (Saga)
Reserch ThemeExpression and functional analysis of full-length estrogen receptor alpha
My wish listQuality of life
NameKeita Nakamura
Formor High SchoolChienkan High School (Saga)
Research ThemeEstrogen receptor transcriptional activity induced by a putative estrogen-responsive region in close proximity to the enkephalin gene
My wish listHappy & Healthy Life
NameMasato Kinugasa
Former High SchoolSeiseiko high school (Kumamoto)
Reserch ThemeExpression purification and functional analysis of full-length estrogen receptor beta
My wish listtennis racket
NameJoichiro Kozai
Former High SchoolFukuyama High School (Hiroshima)
Research ThemeAnalysis of the relationship between repeat sequences to which ER-ERR bind and transcriptional cooperative activity
My wish listFamily Health
NameTakeru Kajiyama
Former High SchoolHiroshima Kokutaiji High School(Hiroshima)
Research ThemeAnalysis of nuclear receptor-mediated neurite outgrowth
My wish listMore productivity days
NameKanazaki Kohei
Former High SchoolMiyazaki Nishi High School (Miyazaki)
Reserch ThemeGene Expression and functional analysis of full-length estrogen receptor alpha
My wish liststrong mental health