Prof. B. Widom and Prof. J. Indekeu
(May 15th, 2007)

Prof. Joseph Indekeu (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Prof. Benjamin Widom (Cornell University)

岡山大で開催される Widom Lecture and Mini-Symposium で来日されるので、福岡
岡山と福岡で異なる内容です。このセミナーに参加される方も、Widom Lecture
and Symposium in Okayamaへの参加を是非ご検討ください。(その逆も。)


場所:九州大学 六本松地区 新1号館 4階 N143

May 15th, 2007

Seminar 1 (15:30〜16:30):
Wetting Sushi (by Prof. J. Indekeu)


Bose-Einstein condensation, oil recovery and superconductivity seem distinct, unrelated topics, that could be displayed as separate snacks on the menu in a Sushiya. However, they can be served side by side on the same plate. Indeed, their chemistries being so very different, we show that the surface physics of these systems has an intriguing phenomenon in common, which is the possibility of a wetting phase transition. To begin with, a basic introduction to Bose Einstein condensation (BEC) is given in this seminar. Next, recent theoretical predictions of wetting phase transitions are discussed and experimental observations of wetting are described. The seminar covers mainly wetting in BEC, additionally wetting in alkanes on water, and, also, wetting in type-I superconductors.

Seminar 2 (16:45〜17:45):
Structure and Tension of the Contact Line in Three-Phase Equilibrium (by Prof. B. Widom)


With Professor Kenichiro Koga, of Okayama University, we have analyzed numerically a density-functional model of the line of contact of three phases, including its structure and tension. We established numerically that the model satisfies relations that had earlier been deduced theoretically, including ones by Professor Joseph Indekeu in Leuven, Belgium. Of particular interest have been the behavior of the line tension on approach to a wetting transition, also that of the boundary tension between coexisting surface phases on approach to wetting, and the analog for the contact line of the Gibbs adsorption equation for interfaces.
